Legacy Plaza Veterans Tribute
What is a Legacy?
A Legacy is anything handed down from the past to a future generation, like “Your Story” in defense of our country. Legacy Plaza is a Tribute to “Your Story” as a service member who served in uniform defending America against our foes. Legacy Plaza honors all uniformed sons and daughters who support or have supported the U.S. mission of peace through a strong military.
If you want to sponsor yourself, a family member, friend or coworker with an engraved brick and a permanent record at Legacy Plaza for future generations to see, dowload this pdf ‘Welcome Home Brick” form to start your tribute story today! Forms will need to be submitted with payment to the Grain Valley Community Center.
How do I donate?
Legacy Plaza is a fundraising project of Pathways of Honor, a 501(c)(3) Missouri Nonprofit Corporation taking donations to provide flags and continue the growth of our Veterans Tribute. A small donation of $25, $35, $50 or other amount leads the way to funding our tribute.
Donations are excepted through the Grain Valley Parks and Recreation department via check or credit card at the Grain Valley Community Center. Your charitable contribution is tax deductible per IRS coder 5013 and our EIN:417-1048359
Pathways of Honor relies on the generosity of donors such as yourself and we are grateful for your support!
Resources & Services
Aquatic Center Fees & Passes Private Pool Rentals Swimming Lessons & Water Aerobics Community Center Fees & Passes Room Rentals Parks Shelter Rentals Ball Field Rentals Trails Community Garden Legacy Plaza Veterans Tribute Adoption Program Activity Guide (Biannual) Cancellations Parks Master Plan Youth Programs Youth Leagues (Baseball & Softball) Special Events Adult Fitness, Leagues & Activities Senior Citizen Fitness & Activities FAQ Department HomeMap · Grain Valley Parks and Recreation
713 Main Street · Grain Valley, MO 64029