Police Study Group Meeting 1/4/2022

The Grain Valley Police Station Study Group is meeting at the Grain Valley Community Center, Tuesday, January 4th from 6:00-8:00 pm to finalize their recommendations to the City of Grain Valley to build a new police station for the community. The meeting is open for the news media and general public to observe. Observation space will be limited. The meeting may be viewed via Zoom at the following link: https://bit.ly/3eKoKJg with Meeting ID: 811 9109 5711 and Passcode: 879788.
The study group consists of seven residents, two each from the city’s three wards, and one at large member. These volunteers come from all walks of life and represent the diverse composition of Grain Valley’s citizens.
The group will finalize recommendations, which will include the proposed cost for the facility, and key building design features. The recommendations will be presented to City of Grain Valley's Board of Aldermen for consideration as the city’s design approach.
The study group's work over a nearly three-month period included touring police facilities in the metropolitan area to see current design features and construction material options that may be incorporated in a new police station in Grain Valley. This is the last in a series of six meetings, one of which was a public open house. The group is incorporating community feedback into their recommendations.
More information about the police station project can be found at www.cityofgrainvalley.org/page/study_group/.