The City of Grain Valley is pleased to announce Major Ed Turner, currently with the Independence Police Department, has been hired as Grain Valley’s next Chief of Police. Turner will begin leading the department on February 20, 2023.
Mayor Todd shares that, “The Board of Aldermen is thrilled to have Ed Turner join our staff and lead our police department forward. Ed has a tremendous background with experience in all major areas of policing. It became clear during the hiring process that Ed has gained the respect and trust of those who have worked with him and for him. We believe he is the right choice for Chief of Police as we continue to grow and provide excellent service to the citizens of Grain Valley. We are grateful that he has chosen to come back to Grain Valley where he started his tremendous career in Law Enforcement.”
Turner started his career as an officer with the City of Grain Valley in 1995, however, has been with the Independence Police Department for nearly 25 years. Turner has moved up the ranks over time and has overseen patrol, investigations, special operations and support services divisions during his time as a Major with the department. Additionally, Turner is a certified instructor for many courses, has experience working with several unions, was instrumental in starting the Peer Support program for officers and their families, is a co-chair for the MARC Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Committee Law Enforcement Subcommittee and has had many opportunities to be a consensus builder in the community.
Turner shares he is eager to see what the future holds. "As a previous resident and police officer in Grain Valley I am honored and excited for the opportunity to serve the community again and work with a great police department. During my 27 years in law enforcement I have developed a passion to enhance professionalism, service, and to reduce crime and disorder through community oriented problem solving."
Turner has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and has graduated from Northwestern University’s School of Police Staff and Command, Louisiana State University’s Law Enforcement Operational Command and the prestigious Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy Law Enforcement Command School in Quantico, Virginia.