Sunny · 66°
posted on 3/13/20

COVID-19 is an ever-evolving issue in each of our daily lives. There is a great deal of information via traditional and social media available to you. The City of Grain Valley encourages you to stay informed for the health of our community by monitoring the Centers for Disease Control website ( and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services ( The Missouri Department of Health also has established a 24/7 informational hotline: 877-435-8411.

The Jackson County Health Department is urging the public to take appropriate precautions as follows:  Everyone should practice good hygiene, stay informed, practice social distancing, and limit in-person interactions. If you are experiencing symptoms such as cough, fever, or other respiratory problems, call your healthcare provider or an urgent care clinic first to determine if testing is needed. If symptoms are mild, do not go to the emergency room, as this resource needs to remain available for those with the most critical needs.

Information and updates regarding City functions, closings and postponements can be found in the following list, some with links which include detailed information about each. Send questions to