COVID-19 Community Information

COVID-19 is an ever-evolving issue in each of our daily lives. There is a great deal of information via traditional and social media available to you. The City of Grain Valley encourages you to stay informed for the health of our community by monitoring the Centers for Disease Control website ( and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services ( The Missouri Department of Health also has established a 24/7 informational hotline: 877-435-8411.
The Jackson County Health Department is urging the public to take appropriate precautions as follows: Everyone should practice good hygiene, stay informed, practice social distancing, and limit in-person interactions. If you are experiencing symptoms such as cough, fever, or other respiratory problems, call your healthcare provider or an urgent care clinic first to determine if testing is needed. If symptoms are mild, do not go to the emergency room, as this resource needs to remain available for those with the most critical needs.
Information and updates regarding City functions, closings and postponements can be found in the following list, some with links which include detailed information about each. Send questions to
- 4/16/2021: The Jackson County Health Department's calendar of events lists COVID vaccine clinic dates and will link to appointment registrations.
- 4/8/2021: Per amended Jackson County health order, masks are still required for individuals 5 years of age and up. Businesses may open at full capacity. The updated health order may be found here.
- 1/13/2021: Per amended Jackson County health order: All bars and restaurants under the purview of the Jackson County Health Department will be allowed to serve food and alcohol until midnight, with a hard exit for all patrons by 12:30 a.m.
- 1/11/2021: Jackson County has launched a COVID-19 vaccine survey tool. This survey is a tool which allows the health department to contact members of the community when it is their turn to recieve the vaccine and to schedule an appointment. For more information visit Jackson County Health Department or take the survey.
- 11/19/2020: Jackson County issued new Health Order, which goes into effect at 12:01 am on November 20th, 2020. Guidance for clarification can be found here.
- 6/30/2020: Phase 2.5 of Jackson County Recovery Plan including mask (face coverings) mandate in place for public spaces.
- 6/15/2020: City Hall offices will open with social distancing restrictions, including limited capacity in the lobby areas.
- 6/13/2020: Grain Valley Aquatics Center opens with limitations
- 6/01/2020: Phase 2 of Eastern Jackson County’s Recovery Plan began
- 5/27/2020: Free COVID-19 Testing available locally. Click here for updated listing.
- 5/22/2020: Jackson County Recovery Plan – Phase 2 and Phase 3 recommendations released.
- 5/19/2020: Municipal Court for 5/26 to be held with new precautions in place
- 5/8/2020: City Hall remains closed to the public, but effective 5/11/2020 appointments may be made with staff, if business cannot be conducted virtually.
- 5/6/2020: Jackson County Recovery Plan – Phase 1
- 4/17/2020: Updated information regarding Municipal Court including extended limited court operations through May 15th, 2020 and new dates for upcoming dockets.
- 4/16/2020: Stay at Home order under as mandated by Jackson County extended to May 14th, 2020. FAQs regarding the Stay at Home Order can be found on Jackson County’s website.
- 4/9/2020: Governor Parson ordered all Missouri schools remain closed for remainder of academic year
- 4/06/2020: April 13th Board of Aldermen meeting cancelled
- 4/02/2020: Mayor Todd will hold 2nd distribution of FREE disinfectant cleaner on Wednesday, April 8th – 5:00-7:00 pm
- 3/27/2020: Mayor Todd will be distributing FREE disinfectant cleaner behind the Community Center on Monday, March 27th. More information about the product can be found at
- 3/24/2020: Parks & Recreation closed all park playgrounds, picnic shelters and restrooms to the general public. However, our parks including trails and open green-space will remain open and available for patrons to utilize.
- 3/23/2020: Municipal Court updated court date changes
- 3/21/2020: Beginning Tuesday, March 24th, residents are being directed to stay at home except for essential needs. These orders are in place for 30 days at which time the need will be reassessed.
- 3/19/2020: Board of Aldermen meeting to be attended remotely by Aldermen. The public may listen to the meeting via a dial-in conference call by dialing 786-535-3211 – when prompted, enter the following access code: 587-448-165.
- 3/18/2020: Governor Parson announces April 7th Municipal elections postponed until June 2nd, 2020
- 3/18/2020: Missouri Supreme Court’s mandate regarding Grain Valley Municipal Court in response to COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/18/2020: Governor Parson’s signed Executive Order ordering all Missouri municipal elections be postponed to June 2, 2020
- 3/17/2020: All City facilities closed to the public
- 3/17/2020: Utility billing – No water service disconnections, late payments in deferment temporarily
- 3/16/2020 – Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. implemented measures to discourage large gatherings, including limiting restaurant services.
- 3/16/2020: Grain Valley School District, including Valley kids, is closed until at least April 3rd
- 3/16/2020: Grain Valley Police Department’s temporary procedures
- 3/16/2020: Senior Citizens’ luncheon scheduled on April 1st is cancelled
- 3/14/2020: Grain Valley Community Center closed to the general public until March 27th
- 3/14/2020: Spire Energy has suspended disconnects and late fees until May 1 for residential and business customers
- 3/13/2020: Evergy has suspended disconnections for nonpayment for all home and business accounts