Sunny · 84°
posted on 2/24/23

Comprehensive Plan/Park Master Plan Update:


As Grain Valley continues to grow and expand, the City has responded by prioritizing the update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and creating the City’s first-ever Master Plan for Parks and Recreation. Work continues on the progress of the two plans that will serve as an outline for the proactive growth of the Grain Valley community, laying out the intended evolution of development over the next twenty years. 

In August 2022, the Board of Aldermen approved a resolution to enter into an agreement with Confluence Inc. as the professional planning service for the project. The City then created a steering committee of 13 members that includes residents, students, property owners, business owners, and other stakeholders. 

In January 2023, the project’s steering committee participated in a joint workshop with the Board of Aldermen, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Park Board. The objective of this workshop was to collectively review initial demographic and community profile data, such as housing needs and availability, employment, commuter patterns, physical profile, and existing land use. This information is considered the baseline for the development of the overall plan vision.  

The planning process relies heavily on public engagement. This is already underway and several interviews with various community stakeholders have been conducted. These interviews assisted the planning team in learning about opportunities and challenges associated with transportation, housing, downtown revitalization, parks and recreation, overall growth and development, and more. Additionally, a Public Visioning Workshop will be held on Tuesday, February 28th with engagement activities designed to get a real sense of residents’ opinions on many of those same topics. 

We encourage everyone to stay involved by reviewing the drafts of both plans in the coming months. There will be several opportunities to attend presentations of these drafts. The engagement website will host the draft plans in full for closer review soon.  

For the Comprehensive Plan and Parks Master Plan to be successful, we need to hear from you. If you have any ideas or comments, you will be able to provide those to the planning team for consideration on the engagement website. You are the experts of your community, and this plan needs to reflect the collective vision and aspirations of Grain Valley. Get involved and tell us what you think.  

The 2050 Grain Valley Comprehensive Plan and Parks Master Plan are on track to be completed and approved by the fall of this year. For project updates and important dates, visit